FACT CHECK: PDEA-12 warns vs fake agents following killing of 3 persons in South Cotabato

The armed men who introduced themselves as operatives of the Philippine Drug Enforcement Agency – Region 12 (PDEA-12) in an alleged operation that killed three persons in South Cotabato are fake agents.

On Sunday evening, 24 July, a group of armed men, wearing bonnets, barged at a house in Sitio Columbasinong, Barangay Colongulo in Surallah, South Cotabato that resulted to the death of three victims.

According to a police report, the armed men introduced themselves as PDEA agents upon barging at the residence of Juan Pidoy, 44, who was one of the victims.

“Wag kayong lumabas PDEA ito!” the police report quoted witnesses as saying.

The other dead victims were identified as Mark Anthony Pidoy, 22, and Jason Mangumpaos, 32, a farmer and resident of Barangay Kematu, T’boli, South Cotabato.

The victims, who were having a drinking session, resisted the alleged PDEA agents and tried to escape but they were shot by the armed men, killing them instantly.

The PDEA-12, headed by Naravy Duquiatan, belied their agents conducted the operation. https://www.facebook.com/photo?fbid=427630582738503&set=a.231721678996062

In a statement, PDEA-12 warned the public about unscrupulous individuals who introduced themselves as PDEA agents.

It said the agency is implementing the anti-drug law in adherence to the core values of the organization.

Under the Guidelines on the Implementing Rules and Regulations of Section 21 of Republic Act (RA) 9165 (Comprehensive Dangerous Drugs Act) as amended by RA 10640 (An Act to Further Strengthen the Anti-Drug Campaign of the Government), PDEA anti-drug operations must be witnessed by other stakeholders. https://pdea.gov.ph/images/Laws/IRR_Sec_21_RA9165.pdf

Section A.1.5 stated that the physical inventory and photograph of the seized/ confiscated items shall be done in the presence of the suspect or his representative or counsel, with elected public official and a representative of the National Prosecution Service (NPS) or the media, who shall be required to sign the copies of the inventory of the seized or confiscated items and be given copy thereof.

However, there were no elected public official and media representative during Sunday night’s incident where the three victims were killed.

In a press statement, Col. Nathaniel Villegas, South Cotabato police director, said the suspects immediately fled after the incident.

A hot pursuit operation was conducted but the police failed to catch the suspects, he added.

As with all our other reports, MindaNews welcomes leads or suggestions from the public to potential fact-check stories. (Bong S. Sarmiento / MindaNews)

(This fact-check piece was produced with the support of Internews’ Philippine Fact-Checker Incubator Project.)

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