





TURNING POINT: Ending Provocation and Intimidation

Column Titles 2023 20230815 170141 0000

NAAWAN, Misamis Oriental (MindaNews / 22 August) – It was to test the limit of our patience. The ramming by Chinese Coast Guard of BRP Bagacay and BRP Cape Engano that damaged the much smaller vessels of the Philippines Coast Guard at Sabina Shoal in the early hours of Monday, August 19, 2024, was designed to elicit our strongest retaliation that could justify graver Chinese punitive measures. It was an invitation to violence – an act of war. which if accepted, would establish their dominance and complete occupation of our territorial waters.

The Chinese aggression has become intense and frequent but should not leave us at our wit’s end. What are we to do? To ignore it would encourage repetition of the offense. And we are surely at the losing end if we confront them toe-for-toe.

But there is always a way out even from a tight dilemma.

Our exclusive economic zone, the West Philippines Sea, is a traditional shipping lane where commercial and non-commercial vessels are free to navigate. The conduct of joint military exercises between the country and its allies, particularly with the US, Japan, and Australia, has been observed to reduce the presence of Chinese Coast Guard vessels, maritime militia, and warships. Yet, they return and converge in the area once the naval exercises are over. The CCG harassment of Filipino fishermen and the vessels that carry supplies to the country’s maritime station in Ayungin Shoal resumes, employing water cannons, which always often cause harm and damage, to drive the Filipinos away.

To end this vicious cycle of intimidation, the allied countries navigating in the WPS sea lane ought to establish a joint naval station in the area. This may serve as a rest and re-supply base and be hosted by the Philippines.

(MindaViews is the opinion section of MindaNews. William R. Adan, Ph.D., is retired professor and former chancellor of Mindanao State University at Naawan, Misamis Oriental.)

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