





POETRY: Whispers of Sulu

mindaviews poetry

In the quiet hush of dawn’s embrace, 
Your name, Sulu, dances in the space. 
A melody soft, like a gentle breeze, 
Bringing my heart to its trembling knees.

With eyes that shimmer like the stars above, 
In every glance, I find a world to love. 
Your laughter, a song that fills the air, 
Each note a promise, tender and rare.

Through fields of dreams where wildflowers sway, 
Together we’ll wander, come what may. 
Hand in hand, we’ll chase the sun’s warm light, 
In the canvas of dusk, you make everything bright.

So here’s my heart, wrapped in words sincere, 
For you, dear Sulu, I hold so near.
In every heartbeat, in every sigh, 
My love for you will never say goodbye.

(Nelson Mukarram, RN, MAN is founding chair of Kapatut Bangsa Sug, a civil society organization based in Jolo, Sulu, that advocates for peace and human rights).

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